Add Signature under your blogger posts to make your blog more attractive for your readers. You can add your brand name or any other image under your post. First create a beautiful signature and then follow the below steps to add your signature under your blogger or wordpress post.
a simple way through which you can easily create signature for your blog. Visit and create your signature. OR you can use any image for your signature..
After creating signature. Upload your signature to any free image hosting websites like OR
How to Add Signature under Blogger Post
Login to your blogger Dash Board.Click on “Layout” and then click on “Edit HTML” and give tick to “Expand Widget Templates”
Now find
Now click on “Save Setting” button and that’s all. You can see now that your signature has been added to every blogger post. But don’t forget to add your signature link in place of that red line.
<img style=”border:0;” align=”right” src=”paste the link of image or signature here“/>
Where are you seeing "edit html" ? I don't see if when I click on 'layout.' I'd like to do this in "add a gadget". thanks!
ReplyDelete1st u copy this link and upload ur photo of signature try it!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for suggesting about this tool. I visited the link to learn more about it and was surprised. It was so easy to use that I created my signature in just ten minutes.
ReplyDeletedigital signature certificate