www.Youtube.com_Narendra Modi Live hangout on Google plus

www.Youtube.com_Narendra Modi Live hangout on Google plus 31 august 2012

Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi-One of the Most Powerful man on the Earth is going to attend the live hangout on the Google+ and the peoples from the different states of India as well foreigners will see this video. He will be seen live in video online through Google Hangout on Friday 31st of August.

Bollywood film-star Ajay Devgan will also in the hangout as to be anchor of the live interaction program.

Click here to watch Narendra Modi Live hangout on youtube

The event has been organized by Vivekananda Cell, Sports, Youth & Cultural Activities Department jointly with Google!

Tags: narendra modi live google plus,modi 31 august,youtube.com/narendramodi,live conference modi on youtube,watch live hangout 31august,modi hangout on youtube,31 august modi ,narendra modi live telecast , narendra modi youtube.com,

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