Few Features that might help Windows 8

One more Tech. News as well New post regarding Windows8.We've been excited for Windows 8 since a long time and with time rolling over, we discover a few positives or negatives in the OS. Although almost all the tech nerds are watching over the october month when Microsoft is likely to release the final Windows 8 but there may have a few faults that people have found in the current Windows 8 Consumer preview and unless Microsoft doesn't adress them, it can really go down just like Vista.

As a Windows user and enthusiast, I like to discover new stuff just like any other tech lover would do and so far I had been impressed with Windows 8 until i read an article over pcworld which pointed out a few concerns that can affect Windows 8 popularity and usage.

The current version of Windows 8 is a limited consumer preview which has just basic features and provides an outline of how Windows 8 would feel like. And just like we've pointed out previously, there have been a few leaks in the Windows 8 which can affect your PC experience. Let's know about a few more..

Desktop Preference:
 I'd say this has been the most irritating or disturbing issue among the users. We like the Tile interface and we admire its uniqueness but unless we find a traditional desktop interface on startup, it just doesn't feel like Windows. You can select the desktop interface after you've been logged in but the default stays the same and you can't do anything about it. I think Windows should think on giving us a default desktop preference where we can choose a default style after startup.

This will not only help the techy users but also the traditional Windows users who don't prefer to mess with the looks. Also, as majority of applications open into desktop mode, it is literally inevitable.

Just like I said above, we love Windows' Tile look & feel but is it really effective on desktops & laptops without touch? I think it has been a nice move to combine the computing and tablets all together in a single experience with Windows 8 Tile interface but we should also consider the fact that most of the Windows users are still on mice & keyboards and not touch-screens. The effectiveness and feel of Windows Tiles can only be best felt in a Touch-sensitive screen rather than a mice and many of you might have felt it.

Another problem with Tiles is that they can't be clubed or grouped into a single common Tile or something. This creates a clumsy appereance when you install a package installation that installs a number of programs like Expression Web or Microsoft office 10. Windows create each separate Tile for each application instead of grouping it under a common name which we used to see in Windows 7 start menu.
Start Button:

And Last but not the least, the well known Windows Start Button is a must. In Windows 8, you have to hover over the bottom left corner to get a metro start menu which slides over but it kind of seems like a lot of 'new'. Start menu has always had its functionality and benifit in our day to day computing but with the inclusion of the new metro start menu, it'll take some time for even the experienced users. Start menu has been the identification of Windows and people has been used to using the start menu features the most; removing it will harm and reduce interest of people who avoid to make discovering features and rather use them instantly. Windows should seriously consider bringing it back and keep it intact just like Mac with its Finder.

Windows 8 can be many things which we can't predict right now but we obviously can't hope Windows configuring the above listed features otherwise it would make a complete awesome OS.

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